Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Luckily for most men Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is easily treatable. There are two types of this disorder:

Primary ED –  This is the rare one and can be tricky to treat. It is when a man has never been able to generate or maintain an erection.

Secondary ED – Is basically when erectile function has been lost. Often we find this type can be treated successfully.

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction...

Tadalafil was originally created to treat high blood pressure in the lungs, but it has since become a significant medication for treating erectile dysfunction.

Tadalafil may take longer to have an effect, with peak serum concentration being two hours after ingesting the tablet, while similar medications usually take just one hour. However, it has a half-life of about 18 hours, which means it lasts significantly longer – for this reason, many choose to take a low dose every day to accommodate the possibility of spontaneous sexual encounters.

Due to its origins as a lung medication, Tadalafil can have effects on body parts independent of the penis, as its vasodilation (the widening of blood vessels) could also improve the kidneys, liver, heart muscle, and skeletal muscle.

Improving a person’s ED can help their life in many ways, especially as erectile dysfunction could point towards other health problems worth investigating. For example, ED may be an ealry sign of coronary artery disease (CAD). This is when the heart’s arteries are clogged with fat and other substances, contributing towards a potential heart attack. Most of the time (around 70%), this disease can cause ED.

No matter the cause of your erectile dysfunction, whether it’s stress, low testosterone, CAD or anything else, there’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s definitely worth treatment. A health check-up, including some blood tests, is the most efficient way of addressing this problem beyond medication and can involve blood tests to check for conditions, such as high cholesterol or diabetes. You can either come into the clinic for your blood tests, or request a pack to be sent out to you and you can arrange it to be done locally.

Do take action though. Your health matters.